I was given choice to choose one of the White horse from the two.
Dreams involving horses often symbolize strength, freedom, and personal power. Additionally, the color white is typically associated with purity, peace, and clarity.
In your dream, being presented with a choice between two white horses may suggest that you are facing a significant decision or crossroads in your waking life. The fact that the horses are white may indicate that the options you are considering are positive and aligned with your values or aspirations.
Choosing one horse over the other could reflect your desire to embrace a certain path or direction, emphasizing qualities such as trust, loyalty, and nobility—traits commonly associated with horses. It may also suggest that you have the potential to harness your personal power or pursue a new opportunity that brings you a sense of purity and clarity.
Consider reflecting on what the horses may represent to you personally and the context of your life at this time. Are you at a point where you need to make an important choice? Are there two distinct paths before you that resonate with your goals or values? Exploring these questions could offer you further insight into the meaning of your dream.